There is ample reasons to think that the monoliths in Salisbury, England, were not constructed by either the Druids or perhaps normal human beings. When one consider the megaliths proportions, tonnage, as well as lack of resources in terms of both nature and human; and the lack of technology, the possibility that I am suggesting is not so far-fetched as it may seem.
1. Not a lot is known regarding the people who would become known as the Celts. It is recognized that they migrated across Asia Minor, through northern Europe and into what have become the Celtic countries of Wales, Scotland as well as Ireland. Most accounts of them include references to the giants that were often found among them. The ancient Greek historian Pausanias called them "the world's tallest people."
2. "Modern historians now believe that, in fact, the giants among the Celts were a ruling class which held control over the indigenous population that formed the majority of the Celtic tribes.
3. As these 60-some tribes that comprised the Cimbri or Cimmerian peoples traveled across Europe, migrating and taking over areas and subsequently being driven Eastward by other cultures, the name of the people altered. While they were in Asia Minor, they were known as the Gomarian Sacae; this was shortened and modified to become Celtae (meaning "potent and valiant men" similar to the "mighty men" on the Genesis 6 passage). The Greeks called them Galatai a corruption of Celtae; the Romans further changed this name to become Gauls.
4. Although the Romans 'would eventually devise methods of defeating these giant warriors, attacking long legs that couldn't be guarded by the massive shields the creatures carried, the blue-eyed, blond giants inspired terror among those facing them in battle for the first time.
The travels of the giants through the German region also most likely inspired the Teutonic legends of the Aryan race of superhumans (with the early name of "Cimmerian" having an obvious resemblance that is most likely more than happenstance to Aryan). The Nazi ideal "superman" was a blue-eyed, blond giant; this is the exact historic description of the Celtae. DeLoach has also made a good argument that the giants ruling the Celtae may very well have been descendants of the Anakim, the giants the Israelites found in the Promised Land. His argument is based on the Roman poet Virgil's account of the Gauls which describes them:
“Golden is their hair and golden their garb. They are resplendent in their striped cloaks,and their milk-white necks are circled with gold.”
5.These unique gold necklaces have also been discovered in many archeological finds, bolstering Virgil's observations.6. This tight gold band around the necks of theCeltae is what ties them to the biblical accounts of the Nephilim. Remembering that the Anakim were one of the tribes that were listed as being giants in the Bible, the clue that links the Celtae to the Nephilim is the Hebrew word which is translated as "Anakim" in English: The actual word is Anaqiy, meaning "a descendent of Anak."
7. Now the word translated as "Anak" in the English version of the Bible is Anaq and was employed as another term for"Canaanite."
8. As noted earlier, this suggests that the culture that ruled a great deal of the Promised Land whenever the Israelites invaded it was comprised of two classes with the Anakim acting as a ruling elite within a larger human population.
But there is more. Hebrew names are often founded on common words, giving the names special meanings that relate it back to characteristics involving the individual or thing being named. The word, Anaq, which was employed to name the Anak, used in other contexts means "a necklace so tight as to appear to be strangling." Use of this word suggests that the most noticeable feature of the descendants of Anak was a tight chain about the neck.
That same feature was the distinctive characteristic that Virgil chose to remark on whenever describing the Gauls.
This leads to an important possibility. The Anakim, or giants that adopted their practices, were pushed out of Canaan by the Israelites, going north and eventually traveling westward over Europe and, with the passage of several millennia, eventually settled in the Celtic nations.